wElcoMe to eVan's hAven! fiNd oUt hOw yOu cAn cOntRibuTe tO eVan's bAby fUnD by cLicKiNg on "Baby Registry"!

Entries My Development Progress Baby Registry Love from...
about me
[ev-uh n]: rock in Hebrew

I am an Aries baby, born on 17 April 2013 at Thomson Medical Centre in the good hands of Dr Yvonne Chan. I love to lie on my tummy and do head lifts to amuse Mummy and Daddy.

about my parents

My daddy is a typical Gemini who can laugh heartily at one moment and become the incredible Hulk at the other.

My mummy is a kiasu Aries who wants me to learn one foreign language, one musical instrument and one martial arts ALL before I turn 21.

*really can't decide who's scarier*

daily reads
Singapore Motherhood and Parenting Forum | Baby Centre

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It's bathing time!!!
Written at Sunday, April 28, 2013 | back to top

*hic hic hic*
Written at Saturday, April 27, 2013 | back to top

I was having my daily sunbath the other day when I felt an uncontrollable urge to burp. But being in the position that I was in, I wasn't able to burp properly and so it turned into a series of hiccups. You would think that Mummy or Daddy would then try to burp me? NO! They thought that I looked cute and decided to take a video of my "suffering". (-.-")

Recap of my arrival...
Written at Sunday, April 21, 2013 | back to top

So I decided that I'd be a much happier baby if I stayed in Mummy's tummy longer. Mummy did try loads of things to get me out earlier but I persisted.

And then 16 April rolled by. Mummy knew that she was fighting a losing battle and so tried to be mentally prepared for what was going to come the next day...

17 April 2013
0400 - Mummy woke up to get ready for the day.
0430 - Daddy woke up as well.
0545 - Mummy & Daddy set off for Thomson Medical Centre (TMC).
0615 - Mummy & Daddy reached TMC and were brought to delivery room 7. Mummy commented about some "lucky seven" thing which I didn't understand but I suppose it was meant to be something good?
0640 - Mummy was given something to pass motion *ewwwwww*
0700 - Dr Chan made her appearance and did a quick check on Mummy. Cervix had dilated to 1cm. She then said that she was going to break Mummy's water bag and in that instance, my swimming pool started losing water. Before she left, she told Mummy that her cervix should dilate 1cm/hr so I should be out by 5pm.
0820 - Mummy started to feel regular contractions, or rather, she only realized that the nudging sensation she had felt were contractions when the nurses pointed out that Mummy's pain threshold was very high as she didn't even bat an eyelid when her contractions reached the 100 mark.
1320 - Dr Chan came by to check on Mummy again. Cervix had dilated to 3cm. *not looking good as the dilation was taking too long* She suggested that Mummy be administered with epidural so that she can relax more.
1400 - Anaesthetist Dr Y C Lim popped by to administer the epidural on Mummy. Very jovial and pleasant uncle.
1535 - Nurse came over to check the progress of dilation. Now at 4cm.
1640 - Dr Chan dropped by again and told Mummy that cervix had still only dilated to 4cm. She suggested for Mummy to go for a C-section as it seemed that I was stuck. Mummy was not very happy with this result.
1700 - Daddy persuaded Mummy to go with Dr Chan's suggestion.
1705 - Mummy agreed to a C-section delivery. Dr Chan informed Dr Lim to get ready while she went to prepare herself.
1710 - Mummy was wheeled to the operating theatre while Daddy went to change into an operating gown.
1715 - Dr Lim administered a heavier dosage of epidural and some other drug that was supposed to make Mummy feel sleepy.
1730 - I ARRIVED!!! Mummy was still in a blur and Daddy had to nudge her to tell her that I was being cleaned up before she realized that I was no longer inside her. The nurse brought me to see her and when I peered at Mummy with my semi-opened eyes, she was so overwhelmed that she started tearing.

Then, Daddy followed me to get my measurements taken while the doctors continued monitoring Mummy in the observation ward.

It was around 8pm by the time we met again at Mummy's ward when Mummy got her first (unsuccessful) attempt to breastfeed me. *In fact, Mummy only managed to achieve a small success after we were discharged on Saturday but that's another different topic altogether*

Over the next 2 days, tons and tons of people came by to take a look at me. I'm just so irresistible!

Last visit to Dr Chan's
Written at Saturday, April 13, 2013 | back to top

Today's visit at Dr Chan's was a relatively short one.

First, she did a quick check on Mummy's cervix to see how dilated it was (0.5cm for those who are interested). Then, she did a scan on me to see how heavy I've become (3.6kg!!!).

After confirming that I am growing well, she suggested that I be induced sometime next week if I still don't come out within these few days. Mummy wasn't very comfortable with the idea because she had read about the risks and complications of inducing labour but given that I am fast becoming a giant baby, she and Daddy decided that inducing is probably the best option.

Eventually, they picked 17 April to be THE day and were told to admit themselves into the hospital at 6.30am on the day itself to kick start the labour.

Mummy, I know you want me to come out naturally but your womb is just so comfortable that I'd really like to stay just a bit longer! Nonetheless, I know your concerns so I'll try to come out before 17 April ok? See you real soon!

Last 2 weekends...
Written at Saturday, April 6, 2013 | back to top

When Mummy & Daddy turned up at Dr Chan's clinic today, Mummy was told that she would be hooked up to the CTG machine first (you know, the same machine Mummy was hooked up last week). That meant that I had to do some stunts in Mummy's tummy before Mummy could be "released" for the ultrasound scan. Sighz, I'm really not a morning baby you know? But in order to let Mummy & Daddy see cute 'lil me, I did what I could and thankfully Mummy was given the "okay" after about 20 minutes.

From the CTG results, Dr Chan commented that I had quite a mature heartbeat so it was looking good that I can come out in two weeks' time. The only thing was Mummy's contractions seemed to have disappeared and Mummy wondered if that meant I had decided to stay in for a little longer. Dr Chan laughed and mysteriously said "We'll see" before getting Mummy ready for the ultrasound scan.

I was still pondering over Dr Chan's words when she flashed my face to Mummy & Daddy so naturally I had a pensive look on my face. But Mummy took it to mean that I was feeling grouchy and of course, Dr Chan had to make fun of me by saying that it was because I was all squashed up in Mummy's womb (which essentially was implying that I'm fat, wasn't it?).

She then happily showed them the layer of fat around my tummy and proclaimed that I could go without milk for one week! Hey hey hey! Mummy don't listen to Dr Chan! Skinny babies can't be very cute right? I need all the milk you can give!

Towards the end of the session, Dr Chan told Mummy & Daddy that she will probably see them for the last time next week and that they should make full use of the last two weekends they have. I don't know, but why does it sound like the end of the world??? Am I thinking too much? >.<

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